7th Call for Research Proposals for Funding Support from the KNUST Research Fund (KReF)
The Office of Grants and Research (OGR) is pleased to announce the 7th Call for Research Proposals for funding support from the KNUST Research Fund (KReF). The University has established the KNUST Research Fund to provide an internal source of funding for the staff of KNUST to conduct innovative research projects that address specific developmental challenges in Ghana and beyond. The Fund has two key objectives;
- To promote innovative and impactful research by KNUST staff through inter/multi/transdisciplinary research collaborations.
- To provide a platform for staff to master the art of developing winning research/grant proposals to attract external funding support for research.
The 7th Call will put a premium on high-quality research proposals that provide specific solutions to contemporary or persistent challenges of society through the application of innovative technologies and multi-disciplinary approaches. Applicants are encouraged to develop research proposals that enhance the University’s strategic mandate of advancing knowledge in science and technology.